Legal notice
Förderkreis Hemalata Children’s Homes and Education in South India e.V.
Bubenreutherstr. 23
91094 Langensendelbach
Register of Associations: 201234
Register Court: VR Bamberg
Represented by
Ulrich Castelhun
Bubenreutherstr. 23
91094 Langensendelbach
Editorially responsible
Ulrich Castelhun
Bubenreutherstr. 23
91094 Langensendelbach
Consumer dispute resolution/universal arbitration board
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
Bank details:
Förderkreis Hemalata Children’s Homes and Education in South India e.V.
Sparkasse Forchheim
IBAN: DE11 7635 1040 0020 8355 59